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Osciloskopas UNI-T UTD2072CL
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Osciloskopas UNI-T UTD2072CL

Kaina: 349.00€ 279.20€

Kiekis: Yra prekyboje
Kodas: 90781
Svoris: 2.337
Mato vnt: vnt.

Osciloskopas UNI-T UTD2072CL 


- 25 MHz / 50 MHz bandwidth
- Real-time sampling rate of 250 MS/s or 500 MS/s
- Low noise, wide vertical range
- System software upgradeable via USB drive
- Waveform capture rate above 2000 wfms / s
- 7-inch TFT LCD display, WVGA (400 × 240)


- Bandwidth: 50 MHz

- Channels: 2

- Sampling rate: 500 MS/s

- Rise time: <7ns

- Memory depth: 25 kpt

- Waveform capture speed: > 2000 wfms/s

- Vertical scale: (V / div) 1mV / div 20V / div

- Time base scale: (sec / div) 10ns / div〜50s / div

- Storage methods Configuration, waveform, bitmap

- Power: 100Vms240V ACrms, 50Hz / 60Hz

- Screen: 7 inch TFT LCD, WVGA (400x240)

- Weight: 2.2 kg

- Dimensions: 306 x 147 x 122 mm

- Accessories: 2x probe, power cord, USB cable,

- Packaging: cardboard box, 450 mm x 420 mm x 280 mm

Trigger specifications

- Frequency counter: 6 bits

- Trigger types: slope, pulse width, alternating

- Standby range: 80ns〜1.5s

- Types of edge triggers: rising, falling, rising and falling

- Interfaces: USB OTG

Level range:

- internal: ± 8 div from center of screen

- external: ± 3V

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